Sunday, December 18, 2011

Family isnt always...

Family isnt always blood line...biological or whatever you choose to refer to it as....sometimes family can come in many forms when you least expect it...when alli and i packed up everything in June and moved to Manchester to be with Seth i was scared...scared beyond measure...we had no one here, i didnt know anyone and neither did seth, except the people we had met through Chads Hope...we started visiting different churches, but nothing felt homelike, til we visited Morgan Branch Baptist...we loved it, we visited several times thereafter, and decided to call that church, our home church....and God blessed us with wonderful family there...people that I kno i will be friends with for life...its so funny how God works....sometimes i get so homesick, missing my blood family back home...3 and half hours away doesnt seem like much, but sometimes it feels like an eternity, but when i get down, and homesick, my church family is always there for me, to pick me up...and now i dont feel so alone in lil ole manchester, i feel like this is truly where God wanted us. His grace will be sufficient in every time of need, and through this move I have learned, dont ask God to guide your footsteps if you wont move your feet. And to all my family here in Manchester, I want you to kno that I thank God for you everyday, and I want you to kno that I love you all from the bottom of my heart.